LifeHacker.com - Don't let the term "hacker" fool you. A "hacker" does not refer to some geeky guy breaking into CIA's mainframe to steal their latest spy contact list. A "hack" refers to an upgrade or customization. This site gives great productivity tips, how to use the latest new PC/mobile apps, and cool new hobbies to explore.

Facebook.com - No favorites list would be complete without Facebook. You can easily find "Pages" of the above sites and get updates to all of them right on your homepage, and of course get the latest updates from your buds.
MonoPrice.com - Hands down the best place to buy bottom-priced and high-quality cables (e.g., speaker, HDMI), home entertainment accessories, and iPod accessories. I love this site.
Mint.com - Best site to track spending and finances by aggregating bank/savings accounts. Are you spending more this month than last month? You can also set budgets and financial goals each month.
Ninite.com - All those best and popular free PC apps? Check the boxes, download the installer to install all of them with defaults with 1 click. Did I mention no bloatware will be installed? Great site. New apps get listed all the time.
Metacritic.com - Ratings for Movies, TV, Music, Video games. Aggregates ratings from multiple sources to present a XX/100 rating.
Sound off in the comments if you agree with the above, or if you found even better alternatives. I'm always interested in finding something better than the best!
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